Analysis of Metrics: Which KPIs Are Important in a Call Center?


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential for monitoring, measuring, and improving the performance of an inbound call center or outbound call center.

Understanding which KPIs are indispensable can make the difference between mediocre customer service and excellent service. Therefore, this article will explore the key KPIs to consider to ensure the success of a call center, offering a detailed guide on how to interpret and use them to optimize operations.

Average Response Time (ART)

Average Response Time is crucial in the context of inbound call centers, which serve as customer service, as it measures the average time a customer waits before speaking to an operator. This KPI is indispensable because it directly affects customer satisfaction.


  • Customer Satisfaction: Shorter wait times improve the customer experience.
  • Operational Efficiency: Reducing wait time can indicate efficient resource management.

How to Improve It

  • Staff Optimization: Ensure there are enough operators during peak call times.
  • Training: Train operators to handle calls efficiently.
  • Technology: Use call management software to route calls more quickly and efficiently.

Abandonment Rate

The Abandonment Rate represents the percentage of calls that are terminated by the customer before being connected to a call center operator.


  • Indicator of Frustration: A high abandonment rate may indicate that customers are frustrated with the wait times.
  • Loss of Opportunities: Abandoned calls can represent lost sales or support opportunities.

How to Improve It

  • Reduce Wait Times: Improve the average response time.
  • Call Back Option: Offer the possibility to be called back.
  • Communication: Inform customers of the estimated wait time.

Average Handle Time (AHT)

AHT measures the average time taken by call center operators to handle a call from start to finish, including any follow-up work.


  • Operational Efficiency: A too long AHT can indicate inefficiencies in the process.
  • Service Quality: A too short AHT might suggest that operators are rushing calls without fully resolving customer issues.

How to Improve It

  • Training: Provide continuous training to operators to solve issues quickly and effectively.
  • Scripts: Use flexible scripts that help operators keep the conversation focused.
  • Technology: Implement tools that help speed up the call handling process.

First Call Resolution (FCR)

FCR measures the percentage of calls resolved during the first contact, without the need for follow-up.


  • Customer Satisfaction: Quick problem resolution increases customer satisfaction.
  • Operational Efficiency: Reduces the volume of follow-up calls, freeing up resources.

How to Improve It

  • Training: Provide operators with the knowledge necessary to resolve issues on first contact.
  • Access to Information: Ensure operators have access to all the information needed to solve problems.
  • Feedback: Analyze unresolved first call issues to identify areas for improvement.

Service Level

Service Level measures the percentage of calls to a call center that are answered within a specific period, generally defined as 20 or 30 seconds.


  • Operational Efficiency: A good service level indicates that the call center can handle call volumes in a timely manner.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Quick response times improve the customer experience.

How to Improve It

  • Staff Planning: Ensure there are enough operators to handle call volumes.
  • Monitoring: Use real-time monitoring tools to quickly adapt resources to needs.
  • Automation: Use IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems to handle simpler calls.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS is crucial in both inbound and outbound call centers, as it measures the likelihood that customers will recommend the service to others. It is calculated by asking customers to rate their likelihood of recommending the service on a scale from 0 to 10.


  • Customer Loyalty: A high NPS indicates strong customer loyalty.
  • Brand Image: A good NPS can enhance the overall brand image.

How to Improve It

  • Feedback: Gather feedback from customers to understand areas for improvement.
  • Service Quality: Ensure operators provide excellent service.
  • Customer Experience: Invest in training and developing operators to improve the customer experience.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

CSAT measures the degree of customer satisfaction with the service received. It is generally collected through post-call surveys.


  • Performance Indicator: Provides a direct view of how customers perceive the service.
  • Problem Identification: Helps identify specific issues that can be resolved to improve satisfaction.

How to Improve It

  • Continuous Training: Ensure operators are consistently trained to provide high-quality service.
  • Active Feedback: Use customer feedback to implement continuous improvements.
  • Technology: Use call management tools that help improve efficiency and service quality.

Issue Resolution Rate

This KPI measures the percentage of issues successfully resolved compared to the total number of issues reported.


  • Operational Efficiency: A high resolution rate indicates effective problem management.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Effectively solving customer issues increases satisfaction and loyalty.

How to Improve It

  • Root Cause Analysis: Identify and solve the root causes of issues.
  • Training: Provide operators with the skills needed to resolve a wide range of issues.
  • Monitoring and Feedback: Monitor resolution rates and gather feedback to identify areas for improvement.